**Update 5/26/2020: The Post Clubroom Committee is meeting today to discuss options to reopen the post. Please check back soon for more updates.
All VFW Posts to be closed By order of the VFW Department of Iowa Commander, pursuant to Section 5 of the Governor’s Proclamation on April 2, 2020, all Posts are hereby closed to the public through 2359 hours (11:59 PM) on April 30, 2020, unless notified by the Department that this order has been lifted. Section 5A. Restaurants and bars: All restaurants and bars shall continue to be closed to the general public except that to the extent permitted by applicable law, and in accordance with any recommendations of the Iowa Department of Public Health, food and beverages may be sold if such food or beverages are promptly taken from the premises, such as on a carry-out or drive-through basis, or if the food or beverage is delivered to customers off the premises.