Wax up that beauty you have the garage and bring it down on Monday’s for our weekly car shows from June through September.
Memorial Day Ceremonies
The VFW Post 9662 members participated in Memorial Day Ceremonies at the Berwick Cemetery on NE 62nd Ave in Des Moines with a firing detail on Monday 27th at 10 am.
Installation Ceremonies for 2019
On Monday, May 20th, Officers of the VFW Post 9662 and Auxiliary were installed. VFW Department of Iowa State Senior Vice Commander Russell Saffel, Post 9127 and Past Auxiliary President Mary Gilroy, Post 738 were on hand to lead the installations. For the Post Officers: Commander James Wettestad, Senior Vice Mike McFarlin, Quartermaster Ron Koontz, Trustee Craig Porter and Chaplain Duff McFadden. For Auxiliary Officers: President Sarah Decker, Treasurer Carol Holmes, Secretary Elaine Podnar, Chaplain Doris Decker, Guard Angie Lauer, Conductress LuAnn Jones, Janet McFadden and Jeannie Andrus.
Woodside Essay Winners
Elaine Podnar, long time member of Post 9662 Auxiliary, presented awards to the kids at Woodside elementary. Read the cool news article on this great award! Link: http://vfw9662.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/20190517_094145-002.jpg
Lifetime Memberships Awarded
VFW Post 9662 Commander James Wettestad presents Auxiliary “Lifetime memberships” to longtime Clubroom and Post volunteers (left), Theresa Mann, and (right) Edie Winscott, at the Thursday evening meal at the Post on May 9th, 2019.
3rd Annual Hog Roast
The Post will open on Saturday, June 22nd at 3 pm for the 3rd annual Hog Roast. There will be a free will donation meal of Roast Pork, Baked Beans and Coleslaw. So be sure to join us. See the attached flyer: Hog Roast Flyer
Poker Run
Join us on Saturday, September 14th for a Poker Run around central Iowa. We’ll start of Saturday morning with Breakfast and end up back at the Post for the Band Skinny Logan. Prizes for poker hands awarded. You don’t need a motorcycle to join in the fun…cars and trucks are welcome to join us. Check out the attached flyer for more details: http://vfw9662.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Poker-Run-2019.pdf
Flag Prices Effective May 1, 2019
**Because the order prices have increased (and because we have been selling our flags for the same prices for the last 10 years), we must now increase the selling price of our flags effective May 1st, 2019. Checks payable to VFW Post 9662 Auxiliary. See the links on the left for individual prices or click here.
Do you eat at Burger King??
Check out this letter from the VFW National Commander, B.J. Lawrence. Next time you stop into your local Burger King, ask for the manager and share a thank you for their support of the VFW Unmet Needs program. Burger King franchise owners have generously donated more than $6 million to this vital VFW Program. Help us spread our appreciation next time you stop by.
Buddy Poppy Event Scheduled
**** Update: There are still a few remaining shifts to fill at both Hy-Vee and Goode’s Greenhouse. Please consider signing up for them on the sign-up lists at the Post. Thanks!! ****
Lee Booton has shared on the VFW Post 9662 Facebook Page that the dates have been set for the Annual Buddy Poppy Event. Mark your Calendars for May 17th and 18th with poppies to be distributed at Goode’s Greenhouse and Hy-Vee locations. The sign up sheets will be put up in the Post by the kitchen entrance so be sure to sign up to work a shift or two. Thanks for volunteering to help!!!
Lee Booton, VFW Post 9662, Buddy Poppie Chairman 2019
See the Buddy Poppy Page to learn more about the history of the Buddy Poppy! http://vfw9662.org/?page_id=643
The “Buddy”® Poppy is assembled by disabled and needy veterans in VA medical facilities. Proceeds from the VFW “Buddy”® Poppy program: • Provide compensation to the veterans who assemble the poppies. • Provide financial assistance in maintaining state and national veterans’ rehabilitation and service programs. • Partially supports the VFW National Home for Children. www.vfw.org | www.vfwauxiliary.org
Another great tool is the Buddy Poppy Chairman’s handbook. It contains great information about the program. Check it out here