Buddy Poppy Event Scheduled

****  Update:  There are still a few remaining shifts to fill at both Hy-Vee and Goode’s Greenhouse.  Please consider signing up for them on the sign-up lists at the Post.  Thanks!! ****

Lee Booton has shared on the VFW Post 9662 Facebook Page that the dates have been set for the Annual Buddy Poppy Event. Mark your Calendars for May 17th and 18th with poppies to be distributed at Goode’s Greenhouse and Hy-Vee locations. The sign up sheets will be put up in the Post by the kitchen entrance so be sure to sign up to work a shift or two. Thanks for volunteering to help!!!

Lee Booton, VFW Post 9662, Buddy Poppie Chairman 2019

See the Buddy Poppy Page to learn more about the history of the Buddy Poppy! https://vfw9662.org/?page_id=643

The “Buddy”® Poppy is assembled by disabled and needy veterans in VA medical facilities. Proceeds from the VFW “Buddy”® Poppy program: • Provide compensation to the veterans who assemble the poppies. • Provide financial assistance in maintaining state and national veterans’ rehabilitation and service programs. • Partially supports the VFW National Home for Children. www.vfw.org | www.vfwauxiliary.org

Another great tool is the Buddy Poppy Chairman’s handbook.  It contains great information about the program.  Check it out here